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Day after day you work in and on your business. As an SME entrepreneur, it can be quite a challenge to divide your time between customers, projects, and staff and often you simply lack time to make the true connection with your employees. So how do make sure you know exactly what's going on in your organization, where the opportunities and threats lie? This knowledge is the foundationan of your success. So where do I come in? Well I start with measuring what is going on inside the heads of your people, measuring is knowing.
The plans starts with the measuring of the actual situation in your company. Your employees answer online questions through a scientifically validated tool that provides insight into how they feel, behave, and perform.
Based on these analyses, I work individually and at the team level. Together, we optimize psychological safety, motivation, and cognitive diversity. This approach is not a one off; behavioral change takes time. Think of a process lasting 3 to 6 months. After this period, we evaluate the results and determine the next steps.
The outcome? Teams and employees that don't just do their job but excel."
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